Chthonic Grounding

Chthonic Grounding

Chthonic Grounding recognizes and honors the entire Earth system, including the millennia of organisms, and the Earth-bound detritus that animates your current existence, tethering you to an enduring and humbling source of strength, wisdom, and protection.

Focusing on your roots and foundation, reinforcing and grounding into that stability, you can learn to pull deeply and sustainably from vast chthonic nutrients; to feel your harmonious connection to the world and the greater cycles of creation and existence; to connect with the natural power and protection of source, while channeling and manifesting spiritual energy and links between worlds.

A willingness to listen is all it takes to connect with your surroundings, whether you’re tuning into the language of the rocks, the trees, the water, the soil, the wind, the creatures, or the stars. We are born with the innate ability to communicate or exchange information in every animistic dialect. There is no learning curve to hear the rhythms because we are born of the rhythm. You only need a humble willingness to listen and embrace the understanding that you are a part of the whole, not exceptional to the whole.

More to come in the months ahead...

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